Legend has it that God invited a man to know heaven and hell. They went to hell first. As they opened a door, the man saw a room in the center of which was a cauldron of substantial soup, and around him sat hungry and desperate people. Each held a long-handled spoon that made it possible for them to reach the cauldron, but did not allow them to put the soup in their own mouths. The suffering was great. Then God led man to know heaven. They entered a room identical to the first: there was the same cauldron, the people around it, and the long-handled spoons. The difference was that everyone was sated. There was no hunger, no suffering.
- 'I do not understand,' said the man to God, 'why here people are happy, while in the other room they die of distress, if everything is the same?'
God smiled and answered:
- 'Didn't you notice? It's because here they learned to feed each other. '
Moral of the story: Individualism can hardly overcome barriers. Team spirit is essential to achieving success. A participatory, homogeneous, cohesive team is worth more than a battalion of people with isolated positions.